What are the most common Blood Pressure Monitoring Diagnosis Codes?

Find the most common BP Monitoring DX codes in this article.

High and Low Blood Pressure Symptoms

Blood Pressure Monitoring Common DX Codes

I10 I5033 I255 I771 I1310 I519 I472 R0609
I110 I5040 I25810 I87399 I1311 I571 I4820 R098
I1130 I5041 I259 I950 I132 I619 I4891 R300
I119 I5042 I272 I951 I158 I639 I502 R42
I119 I5043 I2721 I9589 I159 I6529 I5022 R55
I120 I50810 I340 I959 I160 I671 I5023 R609
I129 I5089 I371 R000 I2510 I672 I503 R7309
I130 I509 I429 R002 I2510 I708 I5030 Z136
I131 I517 I471 R030 I25118 I739 I5032 Z7689


Remote blood pressure monitoring can:

  • Help with early diagnosis. Self-monitoring can help your doctor diagnose high blood pressure earlier than if you have only occasional blood pressure readings in a medical office. Home monitoring is especially important if you have elevated blood pressure or another condition that could contribute to high blood pressure, such as diabetes or kidney problems.
  • Help Track your treatment. The only way to know whether your lifestyle changes or medications are working is to check your blood pressure regularly. Monitoring blood pressure changes at home can help you and your doctor make decisions about your treatment, such as adjusting dosages or changing medications.
  • Encourage better control. Self-monitoring can give you a stronger sense of responsibility for your health. You may feel even more motivated to control your blood pressure with an improved diet, physical activity, and proper medication use.
  • Cut your health care costs. Self-monitoring might decrease your number of visits to your doctor or clinic.