How do I integrate my Athena with Accuhealth to collect Vitals, Reports, and Auto Generate Billing Claims?

Gather and share the following information with your Accuhealth Customer Success Representative

There are three (3) pieces of information you as an Athena EMR user needs to share with your Accuhealth Customer Success Representative.

1. Athena Practice ID (In this example, the Practice ID is 1959112)

It can be located by clicking your user/clinic name near the top right after logging into your Athena EMR.

Here's a closer look:

2. Athena Department IDs

We work with clinics of all sizes, some with only one or two active departments and others with dozens.  Here's a step by step process for navigating to and downloading all relevant Department IDs to share with your Accuhealth Customer Success Representative.

Step 1 - Click the Setting (gearbox icon) and select Admin -> Billing

Step 2 - Select "Departments" from the left-hand menu

Download the XLS or CSV file available. Make sure to share this with your Accuhealth Customer Success Representative.  (Tip - delete any rows from the spreadsheet for Department IDs not active or not affiliated to patients that will be receiving telemonitoring services)

3. Athena Provider IDs

We work with clinics of all sizes, some with only one or two Providers and others with dozens.  Here's a step by step process for navigating to and downloading all relevant rendering Provider IDs to share with your Accuhealth Customer Success Representative.

Step 1 - Select "Provider" from the left-hand menu

Download the XLS or CSV file available. Make sure to share this with your Accuhealth Customer Success Representative.  (Tip - delete any rows from the spreadsheet for Provider IDs not active or not affiliated to patients that will be receiving telemonitoring services)

4. Attach the Department and Provider downloaded spreadsheets and Practice ID with your Accuhealth Customer Success Representative. 


If you prefer a video demonstrating this entire process, here's a link to watch (< 3min)